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Workplace Safety and Health Ownership Warrior (WoW)


Game Developer


Digitalisation of WoW Card Game:
-    To implement 1 mode of the WoW Card Game (Competitive or Collaborative mode) for 1 industry
-    To develop multi-players function for the WoW Card Game
-    To test the game prototype on android devices


8 March 2021 - 28 May 2021


Multiplayer Educational Card Game




With the objective of using communication to drive workplace safety and health (WSH) mindset change and actions towards greater industry ownership, WSH ownership project has engendered some insightful and practical knowledge through different stages for five different industries, namely Construction industry (Construction), Logistics and Transport industry (L&T), Manufacturing industry (MFG), Marine industries (MI), and Hospitality and Entertainment industries (H&EI).


Building WSH ownership among all employees plays a pivotal role in achieving Vision Zero mindset in Singapore. Since ownership was a new concept in WSH context and understudied in safety and health literature, the project started with reviewing the existing literature from both industry and academia. A worker-centric approach of WSH ownership model was also proposed. After that, case studies of five industries were conducted to better understand the meaning and elements of industry ownership. To be more comprehensive and operationalize the WSH ownership, individual, cultural and organizational factors influencing WSH awareness and risks were investigated and full set of scales used for survey were consolidated. An enhanced model of WSH ownership including factors influencing relationships between WSH ownership, WSH risks and awareness and behaviour was further developed. Furthermore, a survey, involving 1,200 respondents across five industries, was conducted.


Based on the collected data, some potential intervention was introduced areas through identifying gaps. In terms of selection for potential areas of intervention, both quantitative and qualitative findings were taken into account for all five industries. Next, the project team worked together with stakeholders to get feedback, discuss and prioritize one intervention for each industry. Throughout this process, the next step of intervention design which included gamified WSH activities and card game, was introduced.


  • Game engine: Unity 2020.3.16

  • Networking API used: PUN 2 (Photon Unity Networking 2)

  • Lobby

    • Creating room

    • Customisting some game settings when creating room

    • Joining a room through a room list

    • Player teams for the competitive mode

  • In-game

    • Animations to make it look nicer​

    • Multiplayer support (Syncing actions made by players)

    • Collaborative mode


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